6 Ways For Realtors To Find New Listings

1. Leverage Social Media: Utilize social media to build relationships with local businesses, organizations and other pertinent contacts, post regularly and network to reach potential leads. 

2. Network with Other Realtors: Get to know real estate agents from different firms, who may not be in direct competition with you, but who could refer listings to you.

3. Invest in Multiple Listing Service (MLS): Being part of a cooperative-sharing service increases the chances of buyers and sellers finding their perfect match.

4. Use Paid Advertising: Consider investing in advertising on Google, Facebook, or other online portals that have access to numerous potential leads.

 5. Invest in Professional Photography: Professional quality photographs can make all the difference in attracting and retaining prospective buyers.

6. Utilize Open House Strategy: Team up with other local agents to host open houses on a regular basis; this provides excellent exposure and allows prospective buyers to view